Timesheets (timelister)

Timesheets must be registered online on the first working day after a working period.

A complete overview over deadlines and salaries you’ll find under the link «Frister og utbetalingsdatoer» to your right. The working periods are from the 1st – 15th and 16th – 31st. Remember that the timesheets also must be signed by the customer and you as employee. Make sure to fill in all the necessary information; customer name, project name, employee name, date of assignment, starting time, ending time, lunch break, how many normal hours, how many overtime hours and comments (the customers requires that you fill in what has been done on each single day)

If you wish to send your timesheet by e-mail, make sure it is scanned properly/readable, preferably as a pdf-file. If the timesheet isn’t readable or some information isn’t visible, the timesheet will not be accepted and paid out. To send your timesheet by e-mail please use timelister@stoltbemanning.no

As mentioned above you have to register your hours electronic online on Stolt’ website. Log in with your e-mail address, which you are registered with, and password provided the day you were employed. If you need help, ask one of the staff members at the office. When you log in you will see «Mine åpne timelister» plus the first date of that period. When you click on the date you will get a list of all the days in that period you have worked. Here you can fill in the time you started working, the time you stopped working, number of normal hours and overtime hours. Remember that lunch break will not be paid out. If there are days you haven’t worked , cross out for «ikke jobbet». In the column «Avvik» the number must always be 0. If one of the lines isn’t 0, the registration can’t be sent in. Before clicking send in, check that the numbers of total normal hours and overtime hours are correct. This must be the same as on your timesheet.

If you can’t register your hours because of some changes of project or customer, it is important you inform the office first. If the hours are not registered at all, payment may be postponed to the next payment period.

If you have any questions please contact us on e-mail lonn@stoltbemanning.no